
We gathered and scanned some manuals from different Canon products of which we put these online:

EF Zoom Lenses USM - Info on a number of EF lenses: EF20-35 f/3.5-4.5, EF28-70 F/2.8L, EF28-80 f/3.5-5.6, EF28-105 f/3.5-4.5, EF35-135 f/4-5.6, EF70-210 f/3.5-4.5 and EF100-300 f/4.5-5.6. This came with the EF28-105 f/3.5-4.5 USM. (link no longer available)

EOS 500(QD) NL - The dutch manual for the EOS 500 and EOS500QD. Scanned into jpg files from my original manual (nederlandse handleiding).

tokina_af19-35f3.5~4.5.rar - Some information on the Tokina lenses:


Canon's manual site - Also Canon has a number of manuals available online, there used to be a on which a number of dSLR manuals could be found easily, however Canon changed their websites so it's a bit hard to find. Also the EF-lenses specs etc. have been removed and replaced by less informative pages, some of these old pages are still available below as a copy on this site (see below).